Like, It’s A Scooby Doo Rogues Gallery!

I got a commission recently to paint a few Scooby Doo villains for a client who wants to start a Scooby Doo Rogues Gallery and I couldn’t be more behind a project if I were pushing it up a hill.

The idea was to stick fairly close to the original cartoon designs, but the client gave me a little leeway to throw my own spin on things. I got my list of characters and jumped right in.

Fans of the show will recognize the ghosts of Elias Kingston, Redbeard, Captain Cutler, and the sheep-rustling Werewolf. And since it’s a portrait gallery, I thought it’d be nice to forego the classic, Hanna-Barbera black ink line and use gouache to outline the watercolor instead.

While I was the one responsible for painting the portraits, Michelle jumped in to help me build a diorama of a Haunted Hall in which these portraits hang during the reveal stage of our video.

Most of the diorama was done the old-fashioned way: foam, glue, cardboard, and paint. But the custom frames the portraits are hanging in had to be precise. So I designed the svg file in Affinity Designer and cut them out with a laser.

If you want to see how everything turned out, you can view the video at the link.

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